Text extracted from digitised maps of eastern Africa circa 1880-1940

Text extracted from digitised maps of eastern Africa circa 1880-1940

This dataset comprises an Excel spreadsheet of text extracted from almost 2,000 digital images of maps and documents held in the War Office Archive, covering a large part of eastern Africa between c.1880 and 1940. The items were catalogued and digitised with generous funding from Indigo Trust. The harvested text includes names of historical settlements and ethnic regions in eastern Africa, descriptions of historical land use, topography and vegetation, and notes of ethnographic, military or administrative context. Auto-extraction of the text was carried out using the Google Vision API. The spreadsheet provides text found, confidence scores from Google Vision relating…

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Dykes, Nick


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British Library Labs


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War_Office_Archive_Eastern_Africa_Text_Harvested.xlsx, War_Office_Archive_Eastern_Africa_Text_Harvested__2_.xlsx (currently not available)

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